Friday, April 1, 2011

Lift Weight, Lift Spirit

Happy April!

Today was bicep and tricep day. Felt strong with the weights I normally do but couldn't jump it up a notch. Next week. Strike that...I did go to a higher weight on the tricep pulldowns. Apparently I have pretty strong triceps. I mean, relative to my other muscles. Shoulders are probably my strongest. all the days I probably feel weakest...guess I'll say legs. I don't feel like my squats and leg presses are where they should be. But what does "should" mean anyway? I want to lift more on everything.

I'm 35 and never lifted regularly in my life. I played around a few times in high school but that was minimal, a handful of times at the most. I was athletic my whole life until after high school when I turned to pretty much just sitting around all the time. Never got fat because of my fortunate metabolism but couldn't say I was fit. Somewhere around my mid-20s I read that book, Body for Life, and started running a lot. That lasted maybe 6 months or so. Last January I started running regularly because I wanted to get fit for my wedding. I maintained a good routine for 6 months or so. I ran 3 or 4 times a week during that stretch. Also did lots of Wii Fit, which is no joke, so don't hate. I got down to about 150 for my June wedding and was in the best shape I'd been in since being a teenager. After the wedding my running routine fell away.

In February one of my friends, who's been lifting regularly for a while now encouraged me to join him at the gym. I went along and loved it. I joined Anytime Fitness on Valentine's Day and I've been there 5 days a week since then, except for a few slack days. I can see and feel the difference and it makes me happy. I really enjoy working out. It clears my head, strengthens my body, and makes me feel better overall. I'm happier and more energetic. I feel stronger at the end of a long shift and I sleep like a rock at night.

Life is good.

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