Monday, May 17, 2010

the meek shall inherit the scraps

So much going on...

Booked our honeymoon at River Street Inn in Savannah, Georgia. It's going to be awesome.

There's an epic oil spill in the Gulf.

We found a baby red-eared slider looking all pathetic on the sidewalk and brought it home and named it Gurgi and gave it a nicely equipped aquarium to dwell in. I haven't had a pet of any kind since high school. Gurgi's cool and will be treated royally.

Finally found Cory Doctorow's book, Little Brother, the other day at Barnes & Noble. I've only been half-heartedly searching for it, but I've been doing so for about a year. I didn't realize I should've been looking in the teen section. Yeah, I could've ordered it, but I figured it'd show up when it was time for me to read it. I downloaded the book a while back but we all know it's a pain in the ass to read long works on a computer.


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