Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Squirrel Chronicles 1

A white squirrel stands in the middle of a large square of bright green grass and ponders the nearest route to a tree where he can more peacefully enjoy a tasty nut he'd found. He springs and leaps in bounds across the man-made lawn and makes for a nearby magnolia. Quickly he clambers up its comfort-giving sides and swiftly climbs higher than the house roofs. He scampers out onto a thick, swaying limb and sets upon his nut with a fervor. There is a warm wind blowing and the sun is beaming in a blinding blue sky. The white squirrel blinks his brown eyes and licks his paws in satisfaction. He ate the nut so fast he hardly knew it was there.

A commotion below draws his attention. There's a clamor coming from the house nearby. Metal is clanging and then there is a sound that draws his attention like nothing he's heard before. It sounds like Squirrel and if it is it means there's a squirrel in the house. The squirrel cautiously makes his way down the tree to satisfy his curiosity.

He peers into the house from the safety of the magnolia trunk and sees a creature as intriguing as the sound he'd heard. It looks like a squirrel but is bigger and fatter and only has a silly little nub of a tail. The strange brown creature is standing on two legs and looking around the room.

The squirrel oh-so-slowly inches its way lower on the trunk to get closer to the house and the strange creature within. The squirrel and the strange creature lock beady eyes, and the strange creature calls out in a strange accent, “Hello, Mr. Squirrel!"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This BlogPost is August

This entry is brought to you by:

Hell, for 8 bucks you can't afford not to buy it!

I suppose writing, "This entry is brought to you by," suggests I am being paid in some way for promoting Arcade Fire's new album. I can assure you, I am not. I wish I was, though.

<------- click there and benefit me and yourself as well, my friend...

August has been a ride. This whole summer has been a ride. Now that I think about it, this whole life has been a ride. What kind of ride, I'm not sure, but a ride nonetheless.

School is back in session which means both myself and my wife are busier. That's not an entirely bad thing. It just sucks that we don't have dinner together as much as we'd like. I love being with her as much as possible. Yesterday I didn't see her from 6:30 AM to 9:30 PM and I was home way early last night. If I work a dinner shift during the workweek it means I'll see her for a little bit in the morning, kiss her while she's sleeping when I come home at night, wake up with her, kiss her goodbye, and see her again 12 hours later, sleeping, then I kiss her, and I miss her dearly and I wonder what the fuck's going on...

...and then happiness wells up in me, all the way to my eyeballs, eye-hole deep in cool, cleansing waters. Love. Love is what the fuck's going on. We work hard for love. Why else would you get up in the morning?

In other exciting MitchellG news, I've been using the heck out of Foursquare. Does it mean I'm messed up if I want to share with the world where I am? A voice crying in the wilderness...

My Foursquare usage has been entirely driven by my acquisition of a Motorola Droid. What a fun, useful device. I'm using it to get more organized. My personal time management is not one of my strong areas. I'm working on it, though. Taking advantage of the calendar feature has already helped me stay on top of things. And I've signed up with Mint to better manage my money. We'll see how that goes.

Speaking of making better use of my time...


Monday, August 16, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grandfather died today

My grandfather died today.

We called him Grandfather. He fit that formal-sounding title. He was like a king, a stern man who ruled strongly with love. He could rule a room of people by simply introducing himself, "I am Norman Glucroft." The man.

My work ethic comes from him, though I slack more in 1 day than he did in a year. But when I'm at work, the way I look at things and behave comes from him and my father. I am honored that I got to work with both him and my father. Those experiences are a big part of who I am.

When I think of Grandfather I think of working excellence, unbeatable business acumen, his intensity when making a point, and his laugh. I can hear his laugh right now.

He is one of the greatest men I've ever met and I'm blessed to have him as a forefather. Part of him IS me. I hope he is proud of me.

The last thing I did with him was introduce him to my fiance and then the 3 of us spent a legendary time together looking at old photos and talking about them. I'm glad that happened.

I love you, Grandfather.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gulf oil spill jokes: proceed with caution

If you're feeling inclined to make a joke about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, some thoughts for you...

Joking about the spill is like making fun of your mom. If you say it, it's ok, but if someone else says it then you're going to have to kick their ass.

I have to admit that I feel a strong negative reaction when someone I don't know makes a joke about the oil spill. Like, you and your friends can make fun of each other but if someone from outside the group goes there, then it's on.

I also internally squirm with annoyance when someone who's not from the Gulf Coast makes fun of the oil spill. Again, the jokes are for the insiders only. If you're not directly affected by the spill then it's best to say compassionate and appreciative things. Why say dickish things?

I joke a lot about a lot of things and I've uttered more than my share of oil spill joke-atrocities. I'm not saying it's off-limits to humor. I'm saying that you should first establish a compassionate, friendly connection on the matter, then rip away.

The oil spill is possibly the worst environmental disaster the United States has ever known, and it's right on my horizon. (Get it? Horizon!? Deepwater Horizon!? Ha ha ha ha ha ha....) (See, humor...)

I'm no ardent environmentalist but, believe me, I love the beach and and I love the Gulf and I love all the animals and plants and THE PERFECT NATURAL BEAUTY OF IT ALL and I hate that it's being befouled by stupid human tricks.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

- mitchell

P.S. The above sentiments apply to joking about any sensitive matter. Think carefully before you speak.

Monday, May 17, 2010

the meek shall inherit the scraps

So much going on...

Booked our honeymoon at River Street Inn in Savannah, Georgia. It's going to be awesome.

There's an epic oil spill in the Gulf.

We found a baby red-eared slider looking all pathetic on the sidewalk and brought it home and named it Gurgi and gave it a nicely equipped aquarium to dwell in. I haven't had a pet of any kind since high school. Gurgi's cool and will be treated royally.

Finally found Cory Doctorow's book, Little Brother, the other day at Barnes & Noble. I've only been half-heartedly searching for it, but I've been doing so for about a year. I didn't realize I should've been looking in the teen section. Yeah, I could've ordered it, but I figured it'd show up when it was time for me to read it. I downloaded the book a while back but we all know it's a pain in the ass to read long works on a computer.


Monday, April 26, 2010


So much is going on in my life right now, I'd be remiss to not write about it.

Wedding, work, and school: that's a lot of shit.

And by "shit" I mean, "stuff going on".

I love my life and mostly all I can think about these days is that I'll be married soon and I'll have a wife and I'll be a husband and what does that mean for my life in general? What does it matter? A  L O T.

Yesterday we had our pictures taken by Lotus Photography, a fun, talented, and skilled photographer if there ever was one. I thank you for our unforgettable experience. It was a blast and an honor to be a part of your creative process.

I feel like I'm going through a sort of born-again process, not of the Christian variety, though related to it. Nothing is changing but Everything is changing. That's all. And I'm realizing it A L L THE T I M E.

Life is constantly, continuously, and continually happening. Life is all around us.

And all of Life is Love.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Shabbat Thoughts

The last few shifts I've worked I've read a psalm or two in my car before going in. I've been trying to get closer to God. I no longer work on the Sabbath. Eventually I hope to attend services regularly but I'm not quite ready for that. The thought of going into a synagogue terrifies me and fills me with anxiety. For now I am content to do my best to light candles every Friday night and say some Jewish blessings. The Sabbath is a weekly reminder that God's commandments are a gift. We are commanded to rest on the 7th day. Our lives are better with a Day of Rest.

What have I learned so far in my trip through Psalms? I can't quote lines but I know that God gave us commandments as a blessing and a map to life. Follow the commandments and you will have a good life. Commandments are simple life instructions. God blesses the righteous.

Whatever my troubles are, whatever's bothering me, every week I have a time set aside by God, for peace. I'm thankful for that and do my best to be deserving of the gift of the commandment of the Sabbath.

Glasses of Insecurity

Sometimes I take off my glasses and I do things without them. I'm writing this right now without my glasses. Sometimes I like to see the world through my own eyes.

My glasses are a burden I choose to bear. I could switch to contacts but I have a terrible time getting them in and out and I'm not willing to put the effort into getting good at at. If I had enough money I'd look into getting laser surgery, despite the risks. I could generally get by without my glasses but it's best that I keep them on most of the time. I'd rather wear glasses and be able to see than not wear them and have great difficulty recognizing faces from a distance and reading street signs.

The burden of my glasses is more mental than physical. I wish I didn't have to wear them. I wish I had naturally excellent vision. In a deep way it bothers me that I have shitty vision. It pisses me off. My glasses bother me appearance-wise, as well. I don't dislike my appearance with my glasses, but I think I look better without them. Why would I want something altering the natural appearance of my face? Why would I want metal, plastic, and glass sitting on my face?

I know my glasses help me. I prefer seeing well over not seeing well. It's like I'm hindered by some deep ubermensch envy and my glasses are a constant reminder of my failure to attain some unfounded, unfair sense of how things ought to be.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sabbath Mind

One of my innumerable New Years resolutions is to observe the Jewish sabbath. To that end, I put in a request at work to no longer be scheduled on Friday nights or Saturday days. The GM honored my request, which I appreciate.

I'm not sure exactly how I plan on observing the sabbath. I don't plan on regularly attending services, at least not in the near future. I'm not going to go all-out and not turn on my computer or worry about things that might cause "work". What I am going to do is cultivate a more God-centered perspective on my day of rest. I'm going to refrain from thinking about my job or school. I'm going to focus on the Love of the Universe as well as the love of my life, my future wife. The sabbath is going to be about me and my betrothed, life and God.